Blogger “ 快速編輯 ” 鉛筆圖標

( 圖片引用自互聯網 / 版權為其擁有者所有 )

“快速編輯”鉛筆圖標/按鈕,通常顯示在博客文章的末尾,自 2021.01.20 起消失。

時間在 “ 帖子/頁面 ” 儀表板面板中尋找網頁,而不能夠直接從已發布頁面修改。
除了 Restoring the 'Quick Edit' Tools, Version 2.0 , 歡迎提供任何可復原建議,謝謝!
希望 Google Blogger 可以解決此問題並儘快恢復快速編輯鉛筆功能!
新的 Blogger 界面(於 2020年9月 實施),目前仍在不斷的摸索。
Blogger " Quick Edit " pencil icon

( picture is quoted from the Internet / copyright belongs to its owner)

The "Quick Edit" pencil icon / button, that appears usually at the end of blogger
posts, has vanished since January 20, 2021.

Without this quick-edit tools function ( that allows to jump from blog page to edit )
it is very difficult to retrospectively edit an old post needs replacing ( if a photo
upload needs replacing, or a link has broken ) . Now have to spend a lot of time
hunting for a page from the Posts/Pages dashboard panel instead of being able
to go directly to it from the published page. Searching down the posts list in
order to edit a post, is not practical and very irritating. Apart from Restoring the
'Quick Edit' Tools, Version 2.0, would be grateful to receive other suggestions !
Hope Google Blogger can fix this problem and restore the quick edit pencil soon !
It already took me a while to get used to the new blogger interface
( implemented in September 2020 ) after using the old version for years.
************************* 2021.01.25 解決 / SOLVED ************************

剛見 " 快速編輯 " 鉛筆圖標恢復了 / " Quick Edit " pencil restored